Ready to break free and transform your life?

Uniquely U Wellness Coaching is a completely different approach to weight loss and wellness. Together, we will focus on spirit, soul, and body, not just a pants size or number on the scale.

The foundation of the program is built on biblical principles. This is the basis that will help you transform your life and become the person you were created to be from the inside out.

Do you struggle with..

  • stress, boredom, and/or emotional eating

  • using food for comfort

  • an unhealthy relationship with food and/or exercising

  • guilt and shame around eating

  • labeling foods as good and bad

  • negative self talk regarding your weight, your body and past attempts at losing weight or keeping it


  • getting your self-worth from a number on the scale

  • comparing yourself to others

If you want to break free and live a fuller richer life, the abundant life you were meant to live, you have come to the right place!

  • 1:1 weekly coaching sessions

  • daily check-ins for accountability

  • a “911” option when you find yourself in a tough spot and need a quick life line

  • mental workouts to address the thoughts that lead to behaviors that hold you back from the success

    you desire

  • journal prompts that will help reveal what is “eating” you

  • help identifying and creating new thought patterns and beliefs reducing the negative self talk

  • assistance identifying small steps that will allow you to lose weight sustainably

  • help identifying stressors and developing strategies to manage them

  • skills to eliminate guilt and shame

When you choose Uniquely U Wellness coaching, you will receive…

By using these techniques, you will achieve

  • the ability to celebrate yourself

  • freedom from all or nothing thinking

  • elimination of perfectionism

  • more self confidence

  • releasing things outside of your control over to God

  • growth in self compassion

  • cultivate positive emotions

  • reduce procrastination

If you are ready to lose the physical and mental weight for good, let’s start the journey to the life you deserve together.

You are WORTH it!