I transformed my relationship with food and found freedom and so can you!

My Story

I started my first diet at the age of 7. I grew quickly and by the time I was in the 6th grade I was the same size as my teacher. Being much bigger than the kids in my class I suffered from low self esteem and did not participate in many activities. I was quiet and shy. My life revolved around every diet that came out as well as spending hours at the gym. I took diet pills, attended 12 step meetings, used the latest gadgets and gimmicks all in the name of losing weight. In 2010, I underwent weight loss surgery (lapband) and I still found myself face down in the food. I used food to cope with the challenges and also to celebrate things in life. In 2017 my energy took a nose dive and the doctors could not find anything medically wrong. I was on a mission to figure out how to get past this wall I had hit and get healthy. I started viewing food as fuel and ate things that felt good in my body. I took the labels off of “good” and “bad” foods. I started working out as a way to better my health and not to punish myself for eating “bad” foods or to negate the calories I had eaten. My mindset was starting to shift and I found that foundational. I have been the same size for the past 4 years without crazy diets and excessive exercise. If I can find freedom you can too.

To hear more about my story, listen to my talk with Marnie on the Meet Me in Isaiah podcast.